Guest Post: Author, Tamara Girardi & #KindWriters July

Heads up to all the writers out there! Are you looking for a query critique, or a critique of your first 5 pages? Then please check out the #KindWriters contest happening on Twitter this Wednesday and Thursday, July 19-20.
#KindWriters is the brainchild of author, Tamara Girardi. Writers can use the hashtag to tweet about a random act of kindness they have committed, and in turn, they can earn a chance (or chances!) to win either a query critique or a critique of their first 5 pages (document must be double spaced). And even more than that—a small act of kindness just might change someone's day for the better. :)

Check out Tamara's guest post below! It details all the info you need to know about #KindWriters and please tweet to help get the word out! The more people who enter #KindWriters, THE MORE KINDNESS THERE WILL BE IN THE WORLD!
All About #KindWriters:​​
Guest Post by author, Tamara Girardi
First of all, THANK YOU Megan for hosting the guidelines on your blog. And for all of your help with the visuals for the contest.
This woman is kind, everyone! And I like kind people ;) I’m so excited to share the official guidelines for #KindWriters as I know many people will have questions! If you’re interested in the genesis for this initiative, please check out Elesha Teskey’s blog post here.
Now that you know a little about what we’re doing here and why, let’s spread some love and kindness in the world, shall we?
Official #KindWriters Guidelines:
To be eligible for the contest prize (either one critique of your first five pages or one critique of your query letter), participants must complete one random act of kindness.
All random acts count. One Kind Writer dropped coins into all of the parking meters in her town. Another delivered clothing items to the homeless. Deeds are not judged in terms of worthiness in the contest. Just do something good for someone that you might not have done otherwise. That’s what counts. If you’re in need of some ideas, this is a great resource: Random Acts of Kindess: Ideas.
Kind Writers are eligible to submit two random acts per day during the contest window, which opens at 12:01 a.m. EST Wednesday July 19 and closes 11:59 p.m. EST July 20! So four random acts total can count!
Kind Writers should tweet a summary of their kind act; that tweet counts as their entry into the contest. To be eligible tweets must include #KindWriters.
If you’d like to have your query critiqued, then include #Q in your tweet.
If you’d like to have your first five pages critiqued, then include #P in your tweet.
Kind Writers should use the tag to get to know other writers! This is a way to build your community. Also a little encouragement and applause for everyone’s kindness wouldn’t hurt :)
Winners will be randomly selected at the end of the contest window and notified via Twitter @ mention. Please check your Twitter account to claim your prize.
If you’re one of the lucky winners, please send your pages for critique as quickly as possible—ideally within 24 hours.
You should receive your feedback within three days of submitting.
Please do what you can to promote kindness on the feed and around you! That’s what this is all about. After all...
Kindness Is A Superpower!

If you have any questions, please feel free to send them my way @TamaraGirardi. Otherwise, thanks for participating, and be kind!

So go out there and do good! Be good! Spread kindness and enter #KindWriters this Wednesday and Thursday. Tamara has gathered a great group of writers (myself included!) who are eager to hear about all your good deeds, and to get the chance to critique your queries or first 5 pages!
As always,
