Find a Critique Partner with CP Connect!

Welcome to CP Connect!
CP Connect was first started by my CP, Kim Chance, over on her blog and I'm happy to be bringing it here for another round right here!
How to Participate:
Step #1: Post a comment to this blog with your name (or pen name), the category (MG, YA, NA, A) and genre of your book (fantasy, thriller, contemporary, etc.), as well as what stage of the writing process you're in. You also need to include a way to contact you---I recommend an email address. Finish with what you're looking for in a critique partner. And just for fun, add the following random facts: What was the last book you read (or your favorite book) & what cartoon character best represents your personality.
*Note: If you speak another language, I would also include this in your post. :)
Step #2: Peruse the other posts! If you read through the comments and someone sounds like a possible match, then send them a message or leave them a reply! If you both agree that you might be a match, then exchange pages (I'd recommend the first two or three chapters of your novel) and do a test critique. Once the critiques are returned and you both feel like you'd like to continue working together, then congratulations! Exchange more pages and get to work!

However, if either of you feels like the match-up isn't quite what you're looking for, then simply say thank you for your time and walk away. Sometimes things don't work out and it's important for writers to be able to part ways without hard feelings. The writing world is small and we need to be supportive of each other, even if things don't pan out. You may click with someone right away and it's a CP match made in heaven, or you may find after a few exchanges that you and that person are not a good match. And guess what? THAT'S OKAY. Kindly thank that person and move on. Don't feel like you have to stick it out long-term if things aren't working out. This process is a lot like speed dating. You have to be open and honest with one another.
This post will stay open for the foreseeable future, so take your time! Also, feel free to snag the CP Connect graphic up top to share on your social media sites, and be sure to invite your friends! The more, the merrier!
And that's it! I will be monitoring the comments to ensure that no spam or unkind comments are occurring. Should you see anything like this, please let me know and those comments will be deleted. Wishing you all the best of luck with your books and I hope CP Connect gives you the opportunity to make some fabulous connections!
And should you have any questions about how critique partnerships work, be sure to check out the video Kim and I collaborated on here: Ask Kim & Megan: What is a CP? How do they work? How do you find a CP?
And, as always,
